Asparagus (ornamental) Care

Ornamental Asparagus Care– Houseplants

Asparagus plants have evolved to grow in hot dry climates as is evidenced by their narrow leaves. Such plants cope with drought by reducing the leaf surface area which reduces water loss. It is important therefore to bear this in mind and care should be taken not to overwater the plant and make sure it has plenty of natural light

Watering: Water more frequently in summer but allow the compost to dry out between waterings. Water sparingly in winter as they do not like sitting in very wet compost. Before watering test the moisture level of the compost with your finger. If the plant is standing inside a container/ saucer without drainage holes ensure that there is no standing water in the bottom. It is a good idea to put some pebbles or grit in the bottom of the container.

Feeding:  Asparagus do not need a great deal of feeding. Feed monthly in summer with a balanced liquid fertiliser such as liquid Growmore or seaweed extract. Do not feed in winter.

Position: Asparagus need bright natural light but do not need to be in direct sunlight all the time. A position close to or on a windowsill will be fine. You may find a south facing windowsill will be too hot in summer. If plants appear to be suffering move them to a cooler position.

Compost & Potting on:  Use a loam based compost (John Innes No.2) and mix in a little grit for drainage. Potting on can be done if the plant has outgrown the pot and should only be done when the in active growth between Spring and Autumn in the UK. Do not pot them on during winter as the growth rate will have slowed right down. Select a pot which is no more than 2 inches wider in diameter.  Potting into too larger pot can result in the excess compost around the root ball becoming stagnant and prone to over-wetting.